Discover the secrets
of a fascinating
British artist
When Leonard Evetts died in 1997,
he left behind a treasure trove of over 100 paintings hidden
away in a backroom. These paintings lay undiscovered
for nearly 10 years. Luckily they were found and
we are proud to be able to
offer these paintings in a series of limited edition
Take a look at the painting below
and get ready for a fascinating journey.

The painting shows a picturesque
scene in Chipping
Campden*, a small market town outside
London, England.
are about to learn the hidden secrets.
Look at the tree on the left hand
side … or should I say the essence of a tree. Leonard
didn’t have time to paint the leaves and branches.
But he knew the secret. He knew how to paint just
enough detail for us to know that an established
tree sits there.
What about the church behind the
tree? How do we know it’s a church? What’s
the secret? The tall arched windows. (Further on
in this story you'll discover why churches
were important to Leonard.)
How do we know that the figures walking
up the hill are school children? I’ll let you discover
that secret for yourself. (If you can't find the
answer, click here
to send me an email and I'll
reveal it you.)

Leonard Evetts was fascinated by light and
shade and how the changing weather and the different
times of day affected the atmosphere of a scene.
The atmosphere was all-important to him, “It's
all around us, we are in it, it’s not just something
over there”, was a frequent comment. When the moment
was right he had to paint quickly … if he took too long the moment
was gone … perhaps forever. Leonard developed a
unique style, capturing scenes at great speed using just
light sketching and the softest of tones.
Leonard's paintings hold many more secrets for you
to discover. You'll lose yourself in his paintings
hours as you play detective in your very own artistic adventure. Clue by clue, you'll piece together the
secrets that make his paintings so pleasantly
addictive and very soon you'll be captivating your family
and friends as you divulge these secrets to them.

Discover more about Leonard Evetts…
Leonard had a long pedigree in Art
and Design. He studied at the Royal College of Art
in London, taught at the Edinburgh College of Art
in Scotland and was head of design for 37 years
at Kings College, Newcastle. He has exhibited at
the Royal Academy, the Hatton Gallery and the Stone
Gallery. A collection of his work is still regularly
exhibited at the prestigious Laing Art Gallery in
In addition to his painting, Leonard
was probably the most prolific British stained glass artist
of the 20th century. In England, and as far away
as New Zealand, over four hundred examples of his
work exist in churches today, including ten magnificent
windows in the Parish Church at Grimsby, ten in
St Luke's, Scarborough, eighteen in St Bartholomew's,
The forty-six individual windows
in St Nicholas’ Church, Sunderland have been called
“an achievement unparalleled in modern times”. Malcolm
Peach, the Church’s vicar from 1972 to1985 writes,
”For Leonard this was not just the work of a stained
glass artist taking up another commission, but the
pilgrim identifying steps along the way of faith”.
Leonard completed his last commission
– a stained glass window for a local Parish Church – just
10 days before he died in 1997.
“Leonard knew the secrets because
he taught them every day.”

Leonard’s work is available for
the first time in the USA …
We are releasing Leonard’s paintings
as a series of strictly Limited Edition collections.
The collections feature beautiful coastal scenes,
picturesque valleys and quaint English villages.
Even magnificent castles.

click above to view Leonard's first collection
The first collection to be released
consists of four of Leonard’s
paintings and is limited to 250 sets of each.
And to make the collection even more exclusive, we are
only releasing five sets per
state. With just this
small number in the whole of your state,
will almost certainly be the only person in your
area to have these beautiful Limited Edition Leonard
Evetts paintings on your wall.
This is your chance to start building
an exclusive collection. The limited edition sets come with individual
and a 30-day money back guarantee. If for any reason
you do not wish to keep Leonard’s work then simply
return it. We will cheerfully refund the purchase
price. No questions

Join an exclusive group of collectors
Purchase Leonard's paintings
and you'll
join an exclusive group of collectors and enjoy
some valuable benefits. You’ll get to see and buy future collections
before they are released on the web-site. You'll
also help choose which paintings appear in
future collections and you'll get to know much more
about Leonard's fascinating life and work.
Check availability online now
… (and take advantage of a very special limited
time offer)
Limiting each painting to just five
sets per state means they will sell out quickly. If you like
Leonard’s work then I urge to click the link
below to check availability in your state and
purchase quickly. Each painting is $397.00 and shipping is FREE and to make it quick and easy,
you can pay with most credit cards and PayPal.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be
one of the first to discover and enjoy Leonard’s
Yours sincerely
Paul Jackson Collection Manager
P.S. This may be your only chance to own
work by this truly fascinating artist as the collection
is expected to sell out quickly. And remember, once
you own Leonard's work you will get priority when
new collections are released.

Note: After his death in 1997, Leonard's
widow Phyllis set up a fund to provide scholarships
for promising young artists. Your purchase will
generate a contribution to this fund and help other
young artists learn his secrets.
*Where did the name Chipping
Campden come from?
The name Campden (pronounced Camden,
it’s a silent “p”) or Camperdene is believed to
be a Saxon name meaning valley with fields. A written
reference to Campden in the Domesday Book (1085),
records that before the Norman conquest, the manor
of Camperdene had been held by King Harold. By the
early 13th century, the market area was being called
'Cepynge Caumpedene' (or 'Market Campden'). The
word Chipping is "olde" English for market.